Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I Wish You Love

"I Wish You Love"
(Rod Stewart feat. Chris
I wish you bluebirds in the spring

To give your heart a song to sing

And then a kiss
But more than this I wish you love

And in July a lemonade

To cool you in some leafy glade

I wish you health

And more than wealth

I wish you love

My breaking heart and I agree
That you and I could never be
So with my best, my very best
I set you free

I wish you shelter from the storm

A cozy fire to keep you warm
But most of all

When snowflakes fall
I wish you love

A really great nice touchy song by rod stewart..gila kata2nya bagussss banget..dan gue dapet ini dari dia...hmmm...actually lagu ini kayanya ga dikasih ke gue sih tapi ke orang laen..tapi pada akhirnya lagu ini malah nyocok buat gue kasih ke dia...

the most catchy lyrics for me is..My breaking heart and I agree That you and I could never be So with my best, my very best I set you free

Waa..bagian itu tuh pas banget karna I do feel the same way..bahwa hati gue hancur tapi gue tau kalo gue sama dia ga bisa bareng..so gue lepasin dia and I do pray for a better love for him..karna saat trakir akhirnya gue yang ambil keputusan putus en lepasin dia..padahal gue bisa aja tetep kekeuh bertahan di hubungan kita yang uda ga sehat itu...gue bisa aja egois tetep mertahanin dia di sebelah gue supaya dia ga jadi milik orang laen..walaupun gue dan dia juga ga bahagia..tapi gue ga mau..gue mau dia happy with his life..punya hidup yang bebas..punya hidup yang lebih indah tanpa gue...gue juga berharap dia bisa kejer cinta dia yang dia idam2in dari lama...I wish him love^^

sounds ga mudah seringkali gue jatoh lagi untuk egois dan maksain kehendak gue sama dia supaya maunya gue yang diturutin yaitu make everything back to our past when everything seems so right where there's no other people between us where everything looks more beautiful when we're together..but then again I just have to realize that's just an old story that I have to be able to forget dan again I wish You Love..better love than mine^^

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